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Calculates the single transit collision risk/probability along the horizontal chord of the rotor at height \(y\) via numerical integration.


get_risk_y(x_at_y, pcoll_doty)



a vector, sequence of horizontal distances from rotor's vertical axis to points \(x\) along half of the rotor circle, expressed as the proportion of rotor radius, at height band \(y\)


a vector, the single transit collision risk at horizontal distances \(x\), at height band \(y\)


a numeric value, the single transit collision risk along the whole horizontal chord of the rotor circle at height band \(y\)


  rotor_grids <- generate_rotor_grids(yinc = 0.05, xinc = 0.05, chord_prof_5MW)

  y_lt <- dim(rotor_grids$r_grid)[1]

  pcollxy_grid_up <- get_pcoll_grid(
    rotor_grids = rotor_grids,
    direction = 1,
    rotor_radius = 120,
    blade_width = 5,
    rotor_speed = 15,
    blade_pitch = 15,
    flight_type = "flapping",
    n_blades = 3,
    flight_speed = 13.1,
    wing_span = 1.01,
    body_lt = 0.85)

    risk_up <- rep(NA, y_lt)
    for(i in 1:y_lt){
      risk_up[i] <- get_risk_y(rotor_grids$x_grid[i, ], pcollxy_grid_up[i, ])