stochLAB 1.1.1
CRAN release: 2022-12-06
- Add new unit tests for
standards - Changed output of
to be a tibble
stochLAB 1.1.0
- Change function name (DayLength() changed to Day_Length())
- Change function name (sample_params() changed to sample_parameters())
- Package work:
- Cleaning for srr package standards
stochLAB 1.0.0
- First full launch of package ready for submission to CRAN and ROpenSci
- Package work:
- Major push with unit tests updated for all major functions through the package
- Continuous integration tests incorporated through Github actions
- Badges added for continuous integration
- Unit tests run and passed
stochLAB 0.3.1
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed issue with seq_month() not working with different system languages
- Package work:
- Cleaning and organizing data structure for submission to CRAN / Ropensci
stochLAB 0.3.0
- Restructure of the mig_stoch_crm() function to be in line with stoch_crm()
- New features:
- Added mig_stoch_crm example
- Added data validation for mig_stoch_crm and cli outputs
- Added seed number to examples for replication
stochLAB 0.2.2
- New features:
- band_crm() example added to the vignette
- Bug fixes:
- Conditional added to hd_sampler() to deal with 0 mean values to prevent NAs
stochLAB 0.2.1
- Cleaning:
- Several unused data files were removed and cleaned up from man/
- Merge conflicts from 0.2.0 were cleaned up
- Old scripts from previous versions that are no longer being used were removed
- Johnston et al flight height spreadsheet from SOSS project included
stochLAB 0.2.0
- Massive commit with the first full working version of stochLAB and stoch_crm()
- New features:
- stoch_crm() function completely re-wired to work with individual arguments rather than a data sheet
- option 3 model code optimized for speed
- cli package incorporated as well as data checks and validation throughout
stochLAB 0.1.2
- Bug fixes:
- Added check for 0s in number of turbines in the migration CRM.
- Added the foreach package to the DESCRIPTION and fixed a bug with line sampling
stochLAB 0.1.0
- First large commit with changes to original Masden & Cook implementation
- Changes:
- Restructured much of the original code to streamline flux calculations, and probability of collision
- Unit tests incorporated to ensure agreement with Band spreadsheet outputs
- Model options broken into discrete functions