Wrapper function to run CRM calculations under option 2, i.e.:
Basic model, i.e. flights across collision risk height are uniformly distributed
Proportion at collision risk height derived from a flight height distribution (\(Q'_2R\))
- d_y
a vector with the proportion of bird flights at height bands within the rotor disc
- flux_factor
a vector containing the flux factor for each month
- avg_prob_coll
A numeric value, the average probability of collision for a single bird transit through a rotor, assuming no avoidance action (\(p_{average}\)).
- mth_prop_oper
A numeric vector, the proportion of time during which turbines are operational per month.
- avoidance_rate
A numeric value within the interval \([0, 1]\). The avoidance rate, expressing the probability that a bird flying on a collision course with a turbine will take evading action to avoid collision.
- lac_factor
A numerical value, the large array correction factor. Defaults to 1, meaning large array correction is not applicable.
avg_collision_risk <-
flight_speed = 13.1,
body_lt = 0.85,
wing_span = 1.01,
prop_upwind = 0.5,
flap_glide = 1,
rotor_speed = 15,
rotor_radius = 120,
blade_width = 5,
blade_pitch = 15,
n_blades = 3,
chord_prof = chord_prof_5MW
gen_fhd_dat <- Johnston_Flight_heights_SOSS %>%
dplyr::filter(variable=="Gannet.est") %>%
gen_fhd <- gen_fhd_dat$prop
gen_fhd_at_rotor <-
hub_height = 150,
fhd = gen_fhd,
rotor_radius = 120,
tidal_offset = 2.5,
yinc = 0.05)
flux_fct <- get_flux_factor(
n_turbines = 100,
rotor_radius = 120,
flight_speed = 13.1,
bird_dens = c(1.19,0.85,1.05,1.45,1.41,1.45,1.12,1.45,0.93,0.902,1.06,1.23),
daynight_hrs = Day_Length(52),
noct_activity = 0.5
turb_oper <- data.frame(
month = month.abb,
prop_oper = runif(12,0.5,0.8)
turb_oper_month <- turb_oper$prop_oper
flux_factor = flux_fct,
d_y = gen_fhd_at_rotor,
avg_prob_coll = avg_collision_risk,
mth_prop_oper = turb_oper_month,
avoidance_rate = 0.989,
lac_factor = 0.9998299)
#> [1] 15.43130 15.57042 15.86670 20.69549 25.44495 26.24387 22.79381 22.49253
#> [9] 14.88926 13.32071 16.94002 17.84437